Serie: Sustainability Marketing - 2022

6.1.2 Screening Sustainability Issues and Actors

Chapter 6: Strategies - Lesson 1: Theory
    Video  |  Deutsch  (20' 23'')  |  Angesehen: 508 mal

6.1.3 Segmenting Sustainability Markets

Chapter 6: Strategies - Lesson 1: Theory
    Video  |  Deutsch  (3' 51'')  |  Angesehen: 589 mal

6.1.4 Introducing Sustainability Innovations

Chapter 6: Strategies - Lesson 1: Theory
    Video  |  Deutsch  (7' 32'')  |  Angesehen: 475 mal

6.1.5 Positioning Sustainable Products

Chapter 6: Strategies - Lesson 1: Theory
    Video  |  Deutsch  (5' 55'')  |  Angesehen: 457 mal

6.1.6 Partnering with Sustainability Stakeholders

Chapter 6: Strategies - Lesson 1: Theory
    Video  |  Deutsch  (5' 57'')  |  Angesehen: 455 mal

6.2.1 Overview, Learning Outcomes and Structure of the Lesson

Chapter 6: Strategies - Lesson 2: Case Study VW E-Golf
    Video  |  Deutsch  (1' 28'')  |  Angesehen: 344 mal

6.2.2 The Volkswagen Group

Chapter 6: Strategies - Lesson 2: Case Study VW E-Golf
    Video  |  Deutsch  (1' 17'')  |  Angesehen: 337 mal

6.2.3 Their new electric car

Chapter 6: Strategies - Lesson 2: Case Study VW E-Golf
    Video  |  Deutsch  (45'')  |  Angesehen: 351 mal

6.2.4 The challenge and its key questions

Chapter 6: Strategies - Lesson 2: Case Study VW E-Golf
    Video  |  Deutsch  (2' 56'')  |  Angesehen: 374 mal

6.3 Strategies

    Video  |  Englisch  (23' 03'')  |  Angesehen: 290 mal

7.1.1 Overview, Learning Outcomes and Structure of the Lesson

Chapter 7: Customer Solutions - Lesson 1: (Pre-)Purchase, Use, Post-Use
    Video  |  Deutsch  (1' 47'')  |  Angesehen: 455 mal

7.1.2 Mobility Car Sharing

Chapter 7: Customer Solutions - Lesson 1: (Pre-)Purchase, Use, Post-Use
    Video  |  Deutsch  (8' 34'')  |  Angesehen: 398 mal

7.1.3 Customer (Pre-)Purchase Solutions

Chapter 7: Customer Solutions - Lesson 1: (Pre-)Purchase, Use, Post-Use
    Video  |  Deutsch  (7' 42'')  |  Angesehen: 415 mal

7.1.4 Customer Use Solutions

Chapter 7: Customer Solutions - Lesson 1: (Pre-)Purchase, Use, Post-Use
    Video  |  Deutsch  (7' 40'')  |  Angesehen: 400 mal

7.1.5 Customer Post-Use Solutions

Chapter 7: Customer Solutions - Lesson 1: (Pre-)Purchase, Use, Post-Use
    Video  |  Deutsch  (1' 30'')  |  Angesehen: 397 mal

7.2.1 Overview, Learning Outcomes and Structure of the Lesson

Chapter 7: Customer Solutions - Lesson 2: Sustainability Branding
    Video  |  Deutsch  (1' 16'')  |  Angesehen: 377 mal

7.2.2 Introduction

Chapter 7: Customer Solutions - Lesson 2: Sustainability Branding
    Video  |  Deutsch  (2' 02'')  |  Angesehen: 370 mal

7.2.3 Creating Sustainability Brands

Chapter 7: Customer Solutions - Lesson 2: Sustainability Branding
    Video  |  Deutsch  (6' 15'')  |  Angesehen: 182 mal

7.2.4 Naming Sustainability Brands

Chapter 7: Customer Solutions - Lesson 2: Sustainability Branding
    Video  |  Deutsch  (4' 31'')  |  Angesehen: 157 mal

7.2.5 Positioning Sustainability Brands

Chapter 7: Customer Solutions - Lesson 2: Sustainability Branding
    Video  |  Deutsch  (5' 15'')  |  Angesehen: 205 mal