2.2 Global Climate Change and the Arctic - Remote Sensing and Models
Datum der Aufnahme: 01/10/2011
Angesehen: 829
Satellite remote Sensing in the polar regions
Der Hohe Norden
Dr. Georg Heygster
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Chapter Marks
- Episode 2 : 00:00:06
- Learning target : 00:00:49
- Overview of the episode : 00:01:38
- The Arctic : 00:02:01
- Observation - microwave sensors I : 00:03:28
- Observation - microwave sensors III : 00:07:02
- Animation: Sea ice 2007 : 00:07:50
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) I : 00:09:23
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) II : 00:10:12
- Satellite remote sensing : 00:10:49
- Polar View : 00:11:23
- Land-fast ice and ice edge I : 00:12:16
- Land-fast ice and ice edge II : 00:12:20
- June 12, 2006 : 00:13:06
- June 25, 2006 : 00:13:55
- July 9, 2006 : 00:14:13
- River Floods I : 00:14:28
- River Floods II : 00:14:32
- River Floods III : 00:15:06
- River Floods IV : 00:15:22
- River Floods V : 00:15:36
- River ice change detection : 00:16:07
- Glaciers I : 00:16:35
- Glaciers II : 00:16:54
- Glaciers III : 00:17:08
- Svartisen icecaps, Norway : 00:17:22
- Glacier velocity map : 00:18:22
- Conclusions : 00:19:15
- Exercises for Self Study : 00:21:12
- References : 00:21:20
Videos der Veranstaltung
2.1 Global Climate Change and the Arctic - Remote Sensing and Models
Polar regions and climate change
2.2 Global Climate Change and the Arctic - Remote Sensing and Models
Satellite remote Sensing in the polar regions
3.1 Analysis and interpretation of the documentary "On Thin Ice"
Documentary Screening "On Thin Ice"
3.2 Analysis and interpretation of the documentary "On Thin Ice"
A Review of the Production "On Thin Ice"
7.1 Frankophonie im Hohen Norden
Die historischen Wurzeln der Frankophonie im Hohen Norden
9.1 Synchrone und diachrone Aspekte des Inuktikut als indigene Sprache
Long words - and what else?
10.1 Zeitgenössische Kunst kanadischer Inuit im Kontext einer postkolonialen Kunstgeschichtsschreibung
Zeitgenössische Inuit-Kunst als konstruierte Kunstform
10.2 Zeitgenössische Kunst kanadischer Inuit im Kontext einer postkolonialen Kunstgeschichtsschreibung
Einzelne Positionen zeitgenössischer Inuit-Kunst
12.1 Analyzing representations of national identity and alterity in fiction and film
A Structuralist Approach to Literary Imagology
12.2 Analyzing representations of national identity and alterity in fiction and film
Filmic Representations of Inuit Identity: The Fast Runner Triology
12.3 Analyzing representations of national identity and alterity in fiction and film
14.1 Historischer Rückblick
A Beaver´s Tale: The Hudson´s Bay Company´s Role In The Mapping Of Canada
14.2 Historischer Rückblick
The Exploration of Canada´s Dar Noth in the 19th Century: A nOrth-West Passage Discovered
15.1 Analysis and interpretation of the documentary "Battle for the pole"
Documantary Screening "Battle for the Pole"
15.2 Analysis and interpretation of the documentary "Battle for the pole"
A Review of the Production "Battle for the Pole" by the National Film
16.2 Development, governance and policy making in Canada´s arctic north
A Bright New Future for Canada´s Last Frontier?
17.1 Canadian sovereignty in the arctic
Introduction and Screening / cinema show "This Land"