Cotton's Market Threads: The Making of Global Commodities in Late Modern Capitalism

Datum der Aufnahme: 12/06/2018
Angesehen: 1218 mal

Koray Caliskan

Es gibt keine Anhänge

Chapter Marks
  1. Cotton´s Market Threads: The Making of Global Commodiities in Late Modern Capitalism : 00:00:06
  2. Summary : 00:00:59
  3. What is cotton? : 00:01:55
  4. Why important? : 00:03:21
  5. No other commodity has contributed to the emergence of capitalism : 00:04:28
  6. Cotton and the Emergence of Ecomomic Thinking : 00:05:33
  7. What is the Market? : 00:07:51
  8. Market Universalists : 00:08:40
  9. Marxists : 00:09:38
  10. Institutionalists or Economic Sociology : 00:10:24
  11. New Approaches : 00:11:45
  12. What is a price? : 00:13:08
  13. How much is cotton? : 00:13:48
  14. Please make us a firm offer : 00:14:13
  15. A treader in Memphis, TN : 00:14:59
  16. An International Commodity Trading Company : 00:15:08
  17. Basis 515 points on for the next two hours : 00:15:14
  18. NYBOT Trading : 00:16:26
  19. Futures Price : 00:16:40
  20. question and answer: : 00:17:32
  21. ´..the market does not trade on reality, it trades on perceptions.´ : 00:20:36
  23. Cotlook A Index : 00:21:29
  24. New York Board of Trade : 00:21:55
  25. Black-Scholes Formula : 00:22:50
  26. ´Real´izing the Price : 00:24:19
  27. The Five Sites of the Global market in Izmir : 00:26:54
  28. Alexandria Cotton Future : 00:27:30
  29. Memphis Cotton Exchange : 00:28:39
  30. Bremen Cotton Exchange : 00:28:48
  31. Izmir Mercantile Exhange : 00:29:18
  32. Traders in the Korbey : 00:29:26
  33. The Theatre of the Market : 00:30:36
  34. Egyptian Cotton Grower : 00:30:57
  35. ´Azbet Ramzi : 00:31:44
  36. A Street in ´Azbet Ramzi : 00:32:07
  37. Another Street in ´Azbet Ramzi : 00:32:11
  38. Söke Plain, Aydin, Turkey : 00:32:44
  39. Pamukköy : 00:32:53
  40. Cotton Fields of Pamukköy : 00:33:07
  41. A Cotton Grower from Pamukköy : 00:33:11
  42. Cotton Grower Watering his Field : 00:33:46
  43. Harvest : 00:33:58
  44. ´Workers´ during a brake : 00:34:26
  45. Waiting to Sell : 00:34:40
  46. Enjoying a cup of coffee... : 00:34:51
  47. Concluding remarks... : 00:35:25
  48. 3 areas: : 00:35:47
  49. Second, markets should be approaches as arrangements : 00:37:56
  50. Thrid, markets are fields of confrontations among : 00:38:39
  51. The end of market society means in no way the absence of markets : 00:39:18
  52. 2 cents: 1) : 00:41:24
  53. 2 cents: 2) : 00:42:04
  54. Cotton´s market Threads: The Making of Global Commodities in Late Modern Capitalism : 00:42:44
  55. (questions and answers) : 00:43:03