Serie: 4th Bremen Conference on Multimodality 2019

an empirical exploration of gameplay as affective semiotic operations

Carman Ng, University of Bremen
    Video  |  Englisch  (23' 56'')  |  Angesehen: 550 mal

Analysing Intersemiotic Complementarity in OpenCourseWare Lecture: An Experimental Mixed-method Approach

Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli
    Video  |  Englisch  (14' 51'')  |  Angesehen: 558 mal

AI2D-RST: A Multimodal Corpus of Diagrams

Tuomo Hiippala, University of Helsinki
    Video  |  Englisch  (24' 44'')  |  Angesehen: 535 mal

The Affective Labour of Education

Peter Teo, Nanyang Technological University Singapore
    Video  |  Deutsch  (18' 44'')  |  Angesehen: 605 mal

The Coding of Haptic Aesthetics: Multimodality of "Slime maniac" Videos

Mariana Zagidullina, Chelyabinsk State University
    Video  |  Englisch  (17' 53'')  |  Angesehen: 520 mal

From Stephanie´s bedroom to World of Warcraft via Powerpoint

John A. Bateman, Bremen University
    Video  |  Englisch  (46' 19'')  |  Angesehen: 549 mal

Augmented Iconicity: How Kinetic Data Analysis may inform Gesture Theory

Irene Mittelberg, RWTH Aachen University
    Video  |  Englisch  (44' 43'')  |  Angesehen: 590 mal

Hear, See, Do: Empirical Insights of Interactive Storytelling and Metamodality

Daniel Echeverri, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Video  |  Englisch  (22' 16'')  |  Angesehen: 543 mal

Raw & Pure - The Social Semiotic Approach to Visual Texture in Contemporary Scandinavian Interior Design

Anna Zieba, Adam Mickiewicz University
    Video  |  Englisch  (14' 04'')  |  Angesehen: 577 mal

Integrating multiple multimodal professional written static texts

Thomás Moreno de Léon, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso
    Video  |  Englisch  (25' 15'')  |  Angesehen: 516 mal

Grammatical integration of gestures into the spoken language on the basis of experiments with aphasic patients

Martin Janecka, University of South Bohemia
    Video  |  Englisch  (26' 26'')  |  Angesehen: 540 mal

Conventions in Korean Revenge Film

Loli Kim, University of Oxford, UK
    Video  |  Englisch  (20' 39'')  |  Angesehen: 547 mal

Multimodal markers for meaning

Jörg Cassens and Rebekah Wegener, University of Hildesheim / University of Salzburg
    Video  |  Englisch  (26' 06'')  |  Angesehen: 625 mal

Towards automatic interpretation of multimodal information?

Ralph Ewert, Leibniz Universität Hannover
    Video  |  Englisch  (47' 16'')  |  Angesehen: 516 mal

Multimodal Analysis for Building Semantic Representations in the Tourism Domain Using Frames and Qualia

Frederico Belcavello and Alexandre Diniz da Costa, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
    Video  |  Englisch  (30' 37'')  |  Angesehen: 565 mal

Journalistic Production of the ARD Sports Show: Deictics, Foreshadowing and Synchronicity in Multimodal

Inke Du Bois, University of Bremen
    Video  |  Englisch  (28' 46'')  |  Angesehen: 731 mal

Analyzing Multimodal Texts Resources Genre Classification, and Interrelations in Preventive Public Health Camplains in Costa Rica

Marcela González, University of Costa Rica
    Video  |  Englisch  (20' 34'')  |  Angesehen: 528 mal

The Genre Segmentation Method of Classical Hollywood Film --- A Multimodality Approach

Zhen Zhang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
    Video  |  Englisch  (14' 59'')  |  Angesehen: 626 mal

Multi-modal responses to texts Combining the lab with the crowd to understand fantasy text reading

Rebekah Wegener and Jörg Cassens, University of Salzbug and University of Hildesheim
    Video  |  Englisch  (26' 27'')  |  Angesehen: 524 mal

Reflections on the multimodal analytical interplay in the case of onlinme and offline grocery shopping

Julia Dakwar
    Video  |  Englisch  (16' 35'')  |  Angesehen: 489 mal