Serie: Lecture Series: Blue Humanities - WiSe 2023/2024

Charne Lavery, U of Pretoria: Vertical Indian Ocean: Submersion in Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor’s The Dragonfly Sea

    Video  |  eng  |  0''  |  Angesehen: 307 mal

Keir Waddington, Cardiff U: How to Feel and Behave During a Drought: Historical Droughts and Everyday Experience

    Video  |  eng  |  0''  |  Angesehen: 224 mal

Andreas Gutmann, U Kassel: Rivers in the Courtroom

    Video  |  eng  |  64' 03''  |  Angesehen: 208 mal

Corina Wieser-Cox, U of Bremen: Mermaids, Oceans, and Queer Speculative Futures in 'The Deep '

    Video  |  eng  |  77' 15''  |  Angesehen: 224 mal

Sukla Chatterjee, U of Aberdeen: The Timeless and the Dispensable: Looking at the Mediterranean and the Refugee through 'The Optician of Lampedusa '

    Video  |  eng  |  87' 11''  |  Angesehen: 258 mal

Oluseun A. Tanimomo, independent scholar: When to Tell a Single Story: On Helon Habila’s Shimmery Brackish Waters, Environmental Justice, and the Blue Humanities

    Video  |  eng  |  0''  |  Angesehen: 229 mal

Mohammed Muharram, U of Bremen: Introducing Arabic Blue Humanities: The Case Study of Yemen

    Video  |  eng  |  43' 56''  |  Angesehen: 223 mal
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